Wednesday, July 29, 2009

* Writing

Blogging. Ah, the terribble fad. And yet I have hopped on board this ship now, though I fought it relentlessly for some time. My writing is for me, and I kept it to myself. But it is through writing, whether posted or private, that one gets better acquainted with oneself, with his/her own voice, and for some, completely discover oneself or writing voice for the first time. Writing one's thoughts is a way to know oneself a little more fully, and lends itself to continual self-discovery. Posting one's writing is a way in which the world may have the chance to know you, even if anonymously as I am doing. Whether or not a soul reads anything I write--this is an outlet for me, like a breath of fresh air and joyful escape into the land of Amelia-ville from the rest of the world that sometimes seems to suck the brain juice right out of my eyeballs!

The joy of writing, to me, is when I write without the pressure of trying to be professional, write that A paper, an eloquently beautiful poem, or a short story that rivals that of Voltaire, Hawthorne, or Woolf, but simply as oneself. And once that voice is discovered, it is easily transferred to all one’s writing including that A paper or creative story, not as a miserable attempt to emulate the voice of legends—but simply as oneself. That is how the greatest, genuinely raw works are written—from one’s own unique voice and uninhibited perspective.

Personally, I am still in the process of discovering myself, who God made me to be, and am getting better acquainted with ME and my voice everyday. But at least I know I have a voice; it is in me, and only me, and only I can discover it; only I can develop it. Honestly, it’s quite fun. It is fun to just write and see how my personality and voice gives my ideas little twists and angles as it travels from my head to my writing. It is fun to just write and see what I might have to say. It is fun to just write and see my serious thoughts turn out humorous, or my silly thoughts develop a deeper meaning or truth and take on a more serious tone. It is fun to write and see just where I can take myself.

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